Ethno House Maradik

Detailed Information

Ethno House is situated in Maradik, a typical rural settlement of Pannonian type, in the western part of the municipality of Inđija at the southern slopes of Fruška Gora. The settlement is specific for its multiethnic structure. Serbs, Hungarians, Croats, Slovaks, Montenegrins and Ukrainians nurture their own traditions but respect other traditions and religions.

Ethno House Maradik is an authentic rammed earth house about 150 years old and adapted for organised visits. Today it is the ambiance in which visitors may observe and experience the traditional way of life of the rural population in Srem presented through life organization in one rural household. The traditional premises are bedroom, kitchen, basement, cellar, cooper’s workshop, storage room and other farm buildings necessary for a household. The house is an ethno museum with authentic 50 to 200-year-old artifacts, numerous everyday items that were used in the house or outside. The collection also includes national folk costumes, formerly used as everyday clothes, which are traditional for the region of Srem.

Ethno House organises a green market at which the villagers sell their domestic products: honey, wine and brandy, seasonal fruits, homemade juices, jam, traditionally made pastries and other products. Ethno House has a souvenir shop with crafts and handmade products.

The ambiance of the rural household is complemented with authentic food from Srem served in the ethno restaurant with a capacity of 100 seats.

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