Zoe Andritsou dancing school

Detailed Information

The Dance School “Zoe Andritsou” is a Model School of classical, contemporary and modern dance, recognized by the state. Our school is housed in state-of-the-art two-level facilities, designed and constructed with the most modern standards and guided by the formation of a safe, functional and aesthetically perfect space for artistic education and expression of young and old through the art of Dance.

The safety of our students, but also of the accompanying – visitors, is our primary concern and for this reason the facilities of our school have been formed on the basis of a special study prepared by two specialized engineers according to the most stringent safety standards. The design and final configuration of the facilities have been checked and approved by a competent committee of the region as to all their individual characteristics (emergency exits, fire safety, ventilation, heating). The “core” of our facilities is the central classroom, with an area of 70 sq.m.m., which is housed on the ground floor of the school and is equipped with:

  • Wooden floor safety and high endability to absorb vibration during movement
  •  Security mirrors extending along the Hall
  • Two-level bars depending on the height of the pupils
  • Modern sound system and piano, with the accompaniment of which the ballet lessons take place


Beyond the main classroom, our facilities are designed to serve all the needs of students and their attendants. In this context, our school has:

  • Specially designed reception-waiting area where parents and escorts can be accommodated while enjoying their coffee
  • Space for artistic expression of our young students and friends with a large palette of paintings for their creative employment
  • Two large specially designed locker rooms on the upper level of the school, serving the preparation-dressing of the students,who also have special lockers for the safe storage of personal belongings
  • Two additional smaller changing rooms on the ground floor
  • Two fully equipped bathrooms and two WCS.

Our facilities are complemented by a specially designed administration area, which has been created for the personal contact of each student and parent with the director of the school.

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