Olympia - Foloi Oak Forest

Detailed Information

This route follows the trails of Hercules, starting from the Ancient Olympia and heading to the Oak forest of Foloi.

Olympia was the most revered sanctuary in all of ancient Greece.According to the website for UNESCO’s Globe Heritage program, Olympia is perhaps the only ancient archaeological site anywhere in the world that has as much significance in the modern world as it once had. The most important features at the site are the ancient stadium of Olympia, which was the location of the Olympic Games and the enormous temple of Zeus, which is the biggest temple in the Peloponnese. Both of these structures date back to the time of the Olympic Games.

The famous Foloi oak forest is representative of Greece’s extensive forest resources, which may be found across the mountainous region of Ilia and beyond.  The Foloi oak forest straddles the watersheds of two rivers: the easterly Erymanthos, which serves  as a de facto boundary between Ilia and Arcadia, and the southwestern Homeric River Sellienta or Iliakou Ladon. It extends around 25,000 square kilometers, whereas he area is recognized as protected parkland by the NATURA 2000 network.

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