Detailed Information

We are DEMETRA FORMAZIONE, integrated services provider for training and work.

We participate in economic and cultural development of our territories favouring the growth of enterprises and professional valorisation of people.

We address to ENTERPRISES: innovation and professionalism are the keys that allow us to be a partner for all enterprises willing to meet and manage the change. The direct dialogue allows us to plan together personalised paths and at the same time competitive.

We address to PEOPLE: to those that are looking for a job, to those that wish to update their competences to those requested by the market. Our proposals support and orient people for a qualified inclusion in labour market. We dedicate specific services to persons in disadvantaged and at risk of social exclusion.

We have a specialised activities area dedicated to Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) that support training of sector professionals and favours innovation in traditional production chains. This area is a space that offers interesting occupational opportunities, also at entrepreneurial level, especially for young people.

We have offices in all Emilia-Romagna region and we work also at national level through different networks.

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