
The ancient city, Daorson, proves the long history of the city of Stolac and its surroundings. The Hellenized Illyrian tribe Daorsi lived from 300 to 50 BC. n. e. in the Neretva river valley, and they built their capital in Stolac, named Daorson after them. It housed all major administrative, public and religious facilities. They took over the Greek language and script, and were in constant trade relations with the Greeks. Remains of numerous amphorae, fine pottery, a bronze helmet with an inscription similar to the one on the helmet found in Macedonia, the remains of a granite sculpture of Cadmus and Harmony and an Illyrian relief with thirteen snakes and five pairs of eagle wings were found. Today, more than 3,500 years later, Daorson with its megalithic walls testifies to its former power. Many historians believe that before the creation of the city of Daorson, the same site was a very developed city, so some of them believe that it was on this site was located Troy, described in detail in Homer's Iliad, which dates from 1,200 BC. The Daors continued to live in the center of Daors, in the part of Vidovo polje and today's Stolac, at the beginning of the 1st century AD. e. as the municipium of Dilluntum which lasted until the 4th c. n. e. Remains from that period, mosaics of the history of Stolac are today kept in the National Museum in Sarajevo. The residential complex of the Rizvanbegović family in Begovina is one of the most beautiful and important residential complexes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the mentioned owners were members of the captain's family Rizvanbegović whose members managed the Stolac captaincy until the end of the 19th century. In 1833., Herzegovina was separated as a separate administrative area within the Ottoman Empire, and the title of vizier was awarded to Ali Pasha Rizvanbegovic. Shortly after that, the Rizvanbegovićs moved from the Stolac fortress to the bazaar, and then built the Begovina residential complex with all the accompanying facilities. Begovina was surrounded by a wall to protect against bandit intrusions, and it was protected from possible attacks by openings, loopholes. The whole respected the natural terrain and the necessary privacy of each individual family.
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